Thursday, December 26, 2013


     For the first time in forever....

I went to see the new Disney movie Frozen and it was awesome! The best part was I got to watch it in 3D (I got to see Elsa's ice powers in 3D!) This movie was funny, fantastic and musical. This movie was very musical there was one point where Anna and Elsa practically sang their conversation. And it was funny when Anna sang Okay, bye. when she could have just said it.

My favorite songs in the movie
  • For the first time in forever
  • Do you wanna build a snowman
  • Let it go
  • For the first time in Forever (reprise)
My favorite character is Elsa and Julianne's favorite character is Anna. What didn't suprise me is that Hans was the villian.What did suprise is the fact that Anna punched him in the face. This is now my 2nd favorite Disney movie. (Tangled is my 1st favorite.) Now I can't wait for it to come out on Blue-ray!

I give this movie 5stars out of 5

Signed, Jude :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Something to say...

 I just have one thing to say.......


Signed, Jude :)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Callie!

       Do you know what today is? ( Well judging from the title of this post I bet you would know).
It's Callie's birthday. Today she is 14! In real years she is one year old. Her birthday party is scheduled for December 26th, which is boxing day! So wait for a post about the party! Have a Happy Birthday Callie!

The birthday girl!
Fourteen (Actually 1 year old)
First time I braided her hair!

  Have a happy birthday Callie! I hope you will like the party on boxing day!

                                                                                  Jude :)

My NEW phone! :)


     I got my dad's old phone today! (So technically it's not new, but it is new to me)! Anyway the phone is an HTC and I actually get to use for calls! Before I had my mom's old LG phone which I only used for pictures and making doll videos. On my new phone I get to make calls, play games, take pictures, make videos and other stuff! Since I can take pictures on my phone I can take pictures for the blog! I'm so excited. Sorry for ending most of my sentences with an exclamation point! I'm just so excited! That all I have to say about my phone for now. And one more thing tomorrow is Christmas Eve


                                                                        Jude :) 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Introducing Gemma!

   Today I will introduce you to my sister's doll.


Her birthday is: August 29th
Fave color: Every shade of pink!
Likes: Ballet, gymnastics, violin, dolls, crafts, and playing with her sister.
Personality: Kind, Caring, Girly, Sporty, Musical.
Age: 11( in real years 1yr old)
Type of doll: American Girl doll.

Sisters, Callie and Gemma
Julianne and Gemma
BYE! Signed, Jude :)

3 more days till Christmas! :)

This is our Christmas tree.

Here is the gingerbread house Julianne and I made with our cousin

Here is the Angel on top of the tree
And that is what our tree looks like at Christmas time. I just wanted to blog about the Christmas tree and the gingerbread house because I'm excited for Christmas. *The Important part of Christmas is the birth of Jesus.

 Today Julianne and I are going to decorate the tree and I just wanted to show what it usually looks like.
 Thanks for reading this post! Bye!

                                                                         Jude :)


 Outside it's a Winter Wonderland!

  I just love snow I love to sled, make snowmen and snow angels, and have snowball fights. that's all I wanted to blog about until next time! Bye! Signed, Jude. :)

My dolls... :)

Today  I am going to blog about my dolls.

This is Saige (GOTY 2013)

Her birthday( a.k.a the day I got her) is June. 30th.
Fave color: Blue.
Likes: Drawing, rainbow loom, collecting stuffies, watching youtube videos, and napping.
Personality: Nice,Helpful, Fun, artistic, and Lazy(sometimes)
age: 12.
type of doll: American Girl.

My other doll is Callie

Her birthday is Dec.23rd ( but I got her on Christmas day).
Fave color: Purple.
Likes: Fashion, sewing, gymnastics, drawing, and playing with her sisters.
Personality: Responsible, Creative, Sporty, Fashionable, Nice.
Age: 13(soon to be 14!)
type of doll: Journey Girl doll.

  Well those are all the dolls I have and love. Thanks for reading this post bye! And Merry Christmas and Happy New year!


                                                        Signed, Jude  :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

What we were for Halloween

Remember back when it was close to Halloween, and I said I would tell you what I was for this year well here it is.

I'm the Mad Hatter and Julianne's the Fairy/Angel.

Sorry I couldn't find a better picture but here it is. BYE!

Signed, Jude

(BTW. I made the hat :) )


Hey guys its me JULIANNE, and I am SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS !!! My MOM and my sister JUDE, went shopping for the gifts that we are going to give to our family and my MOM got my gift and I'm  sure that its going to be AWESOME !

Sorry this was such a short post but since its winter break I will be posting a lot this season :)

Julianne :)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

And the doll is.....

   Remember when I did that post saying I got a doll. I said I would announce the doll after a few guesses, since nobody really looks at this blog nobody guessed anyway here it is
                                              And the doll is.....Saige! GOTY 2013!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Were Back! (sort of)....

Hi guys Julianne and I are back sort of just give it a week and we will be back and blogging in no time! Anyway guess who is excited for Christmas? I am! Just one more week sort of. I gotta go. BYE!
                                                                  Signed - Jude :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Halloween (last year) Joshua Style!

hey everyone its JUDE and JULIANNE 
and today we are going to blog about Joshua's Halloween last year so lets show you the pictures

this is Josh he is a pirate he looks so happy in this picture :)

sorry this picture is really blurry he really wants some candy
look at all the candy we got!!! P.S (Josh ate ALOT)
thanks for reading ( sorry if we look creepy this is the only picture we could find BYE!

halloween (last year of course!) JULIANNE STYLE!!! :3

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY everyone you probably saw my sister's Halloween version, so mow I'm going to show you my version but this time JULIANNE STYLE yay!! lets get started

this is me I'm Draculaura (without the wig)
this is  me (with the wig)
this is me, with the pumpkin I made
and this is me taking out all of the gooey icky stuff and designing it
and this is my brother Josh  he's a pirate

want to know an interesting fact about me I have never been anything scary for halloween Isn't that strange.
Well here are some things I want to be .........
  1. maybe a monster high ghoul
  2. Alex Russo from WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE (my favorite show EVER!!)
  3. a girl from a  masquerade ball, with of course a.... MASK
  4. a pirate girl

Well thanks  keep on loving UNICORNS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;3

Friday, September 27, 2013

Halloween 2013 Jude Version

Hi its me Jude here and today I want to talk type about Halloween!
                                               ( here is my costume from 2011 I if u can't tell I'm Dorothy)

  So I'm not sure what I'm going to be this year so here are a few ideas
  • Minion from Despicable me
  • Dorothy (Again)
  • Kawaii Girl
  • Masqurade ball girl ##
  • Something (JK)
  • Hatsune Miku
  • Nerd 
  • Not so Mad Hatter
So maybe I don't Know what I wanna be for Halloween when I figure it out I'll Blog about it
Also I'm going trick or treating for CANDY!!!! BYE! Signed Jude : 3 <3<3

A random post :)

      Hi people it's me Jude here I know I don't blog as much as I used to but here I am blogging
today I made new friends and stuff.
I know I just added a random picture that is only because I trying to learn how to make this blog look cool and be interesting. Sorry I can't think of any other possible things to type about so Bye!

                                                                       Jude :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

something important

hi guys it's me Julianne and I just want to tell you something really important I know I told you that I was going to crafts and reviews and stuff well the reason why is because we don't know how to upload pictures and videos so some time soon we will be doing that stuff so that's everything :3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

american girl store

hi everyone it's me Julianne and I forgot to tell you what I got at the ag store. The things that I got is the ag violin set and it was $58 but totally worth it and the last thing i got was the swim tote and sandals  and that was $18. Also I might do a review on both of them I don't know yet, and it's either going to be a video or I will blog about it. Well that's everything I wanted to tell you so BYE :3 (that's a kawaii face) ok BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


 I haven't been posting because it's summer and I'm busy having fun. Lately I've been going to the waterpark, visiting realitives, and playing with my american girl. I've been wanting to post about it but I'm afraid to because of people that might make fun of me. But I will do what makes me happy because this is ME and my sister's blog! (If you wanna know what doll I got guess first then in the next post I'll announce which doll).


Friday, June 28, 2013


Hello its me JULIANNE
and i 'm going to tell you something amazing we are going to Seattle and that means AMERICAN GIRL PLACE  I hope to see tons of people from you tube there especially ANNA BASILMENTOS. Well thats everything I wanted to say KEEP ON LOVING UNICORNS Julianne

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hi guys it is me Jude and I just wanted to let you guys know that I learned something really cool yesterday and today its called.... THE CUP SONG! It seemed difficult at first but I finally got the hang of it and I'm so happy I have another cool talent and it is  so much fun to do the cup song! I like the rhythm.


                                                  Bye! signed  JUDE :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013


            Hi guys it is me Jude here. I just wanted to tell you that I had a good birthday and a good Easter. I also wanted to tell you guys some great news! A few days ago My sister, my brother and I got pet goldfishies! And just today our parents got us a 10 gallon fish tank. We have 8 fish. I named 2 fish my brother named one and my sister named 5. I named my fish Daisy and Basil! And my brother named his fish Junior. And Jules named her fish Ruby, Sparkles,Jewels,Angel,Glitter. Thats all I have to blog Bye!:)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wish List :3

Hello its me. Today I just wanted to show you the list of things that I want to get when we go to Seattle. SO LETS GET THE LIST STARTED!!!

1. doll dining book and set from AGP ( that means American Girl Place ) $60
2. Coconut and Licorice from AGP $44
3. true spirit accessories from AGP $28
4. our generation pink doll scooter from Target $35
5. delicious dinner set from AGP $58
6. campus cheer gear from AGP $34
7. our generation doll kitchen set from Target IDKP ( that means I Don't Know Price
8. Bed 'n' breakfast set from AGP IDKP
9. Chesnut horse from AGP $75
10. stable and supplies from AGP $110
11. doll hair brush from AGP $8
12.starry doll carrying case from AGP $58

    Hi guys its me. Jude. Okay so all together all this stuff except for the OG kitchen set, all costs..... WOW!    $510 dollars! Oh my Gosh!!! Thats alot of money maybe you should get a few things at a time, but that is just my suggestion. Bye! :)


My decision

   Hi guys its me Jude. The reason I'm blogging right now is because I'm here to tell you guys my decision. I thought about it and I  have chosen to do shopping and swimming. I am so excited I haven't stayed in a hotel for the LONGEST time. Seriously! The last time I stayed at a hotel is when I was three! So I can't wait. I also am excited for shopping. After swimming I am going to go shopping with my cousins at Forever 21! I can't wait to pick out some cool new clothes to wear. And my cousin will help me pick out a outfit at the store. Now that I've made my decision we just need to book a hotel! Yay!



Seattle :)


        Hi. Its me Jude here. And I just wanted to tell you guys that my sister and I are going to Seattle tomorrow night it is going to be so much fun! We are going to visit our realitives in Seattle. I think we are going to spend Easter there to and we might have a Easter egg hunt too! My mom said that we should put names on the eggs so there is a equal amount of eggs for everybody. but the real meaning of Easter is that Jesus came back to life and thats what is important. I can't wait for Seattle I'm gonna have so much fun! I better start packing! Bye!

Monday, March 25, 2013


      Hi! It is me Jude here, I don't really like typing in the color blue cause it is hard to see when I post it so I will be typing in purple (not that it matters LOL) kidding now I'm just  being silly. Okay back to why I'm blogging. Well as you know from my other post my birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to do for it. I'm trying to decide between having a pool party and going shopping or just a regular party. I like parties but the pool is fun even though I can't really swim. I like shopping too. I'm so unsure of what to do. This birthday is a big event for me. I'm going  to wear a dress and my cousin is going to help me pick my party dress and curl my hair. I'm so excited I want it to be the best birthday ever. My birthday is in a few weeks so I think I'm a bit worried I still haven't made my decision and there is only a few more weeks.  Thats  all I have to blog about for now so...


                                                                Jude :)

Some news...

  So today Jules and I have some News.
Oh bye the way when the font color is blue it means I'm typing anyway Jules wants to share some news so yeah. Hi I have some very important news also its me Jules typing now :) so the news is that when its pink I am typing from now on thats how you can tell it is me typing. Thats it! Oh and KEEP ON LOVING UNICORNS! bye! Okayyy then. Sorry this is such a short post we just felt like blogging. that isn't really a big type of news but it is still news. Jules just wanted you to get the memo. ( Sorry I type too much!) anyways....


                                                          JUDE and JULIANNE :) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'm here!!

HI, I'm Julianne the little sister of Jude. Today I decided to join my sister's blog so usually I will do reviews of dolls, toys, and outfits. Sometimes I will do themes like mustache Monday an do cool recipes and other stuff.
So thats all bye and keep on loving unicorns!




 Sorry I haven't been blogging for a really, really, really long time. I haven't been blogging much because I don't know what to blog about. So I will try to blog when I can. It is spring break YaY! No school for two whole weeks. Anyway my birthday is coming up and I'm so unsure of what I want to do for my birthday so I'm thinking about it. So that is all I have to type.

